Melanie Notkin
I had the distinct honor to chat with Melanie for an hour last night on my Podcast. For those of you who might not be familiar with her work, she is the founder of savvyauntie.com a website that caters to PANKS (Professional Aunt No Kids). When I first stumbled on to her site I thought what a brilliant focus and it is authentic because Auntie Mel is very passionate about being both a Auntie By Relation (ABR) and Auntie By Choice (ABC). She carries this passion in everything she does and her cup was still running over at 10:30PM (her time) last night when I interviewed her. I hope you will check out the interview and if you enjoy it be sure to subscribe to my podcast to be informed of new interviews in the future.
Are you a Savvy Auntie? What did you think of the interview? I would love to hear your feedback. |