I was really disapointed when Facebook slammed the door shut on the friend exporter. I don’t even think the app was live for 24 hours before it was blocked. There is a way to bypass Facebooks desire to prevent this from occurring and here you go!
Amplify’d from plus.google.com
Ok now here is the post I will burn my daily re-share on. This works, just did it. Welcome Facebook friends!EditDavid Orban originally shared this post:
Here is how you can reliablyimport your Facebook friends into Google+1. Set up a Yahoo email address on http://mail.yahoo.com/
2. Click on the Contacts tab in Yahoo Mail and import the contacts from Facebook (see image)
3. Click on the Circles tab in Google+ and connectYahoo Mail (see image)While the import step 2. is manual, and you might want to periodically repeat it, the connection on step 3. o Yahoo Mail and Google+ is automatic, and persistent.You will find the new contacts coming from Facebook automatically suggested by Google and you can drag them into the circle of your choice!
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You can also EXPORT the contacts as a CSV file in Yahoo Mail then Import them into Gmail. You may want them there anyway, I created a new group called Facebook when I did it so I could best organize them.
[…] http://joehackman.com/2011/07/exporting-facebook-contacts-to-google-facebook-yahoo-g-win/ […]