I became a member of a Toastmaster club around 2003. Toastmasters is really an incredible opportunity for persons from any walk of life to gain confidence, leadership and public speaking skills. I was fortunate to have two very important people in my original club, the woman that would one day become my wife and the mother of my first and only child and Art Breslow a wise old Toastmaster of 50+ years! To say Toastmasters changed my life would be an understatement but you really need to be ready for change to happen, that was up to me. One of the most valuable lessons I learned that I’ve seen the majority of speakers I’ve watched error on is in the naming of podium and lectern. Most speakers call the stand that they put their notes on a podium but it is a lectern. A podium is an elevated area where a speaker gives his or her presentation. I’ve watched many accomplished speakers make this mistake so I am hoping this helps them become even that much more accurate of a speaker. I have to confess, the lesson learned was thanks to Mr. Art Breslow. Mr. Breslow was keen at keeping certain inaccuracies from perpetuating in his presence often in a very spirited way. I can still here him piping up when people used certain jargon, his memories haunt me in a good way. Thank you Mr. Breslow.