Truth is, I once stated I would go to Mars with Elon Musk if I had the chance. I have long been a fan of his. What he has accomplished at his age, is to me, nothing short of extraordinary. I would still feel that way if he was just the CEO of Tesla or founder of SpaceX.
When I first set my eyes on the Tesla Cybertruck I cringed, my brain could not process that nasty thing. I thought it was ugly, I didn’t get it, I was disappointed, I was hoping there was a second truck about to roll out. Alas, it didn’t happen.
A funny thing happened, the longer I looked at it, watching the test drives, I was back in “Take my money!” mode. So I put a deposit down, two actually, one was accidental but something in me decided to leave it, anyway.
Maybe the best way to explain why I am now in love with the idea of this vehicle would be to explain things I plan to do with it!
- Wrap it with some killer (work) graphics
- Upfit it as a work Truck
- Cover it with solar panels
- Go adventure camping
- Finish the Rubicon Trail
Wrap it!
My business is tied extremely closely to US Manufacturing. What is a more iconic and extreme work vehicle than a bullet proof Electric Pickup made of Stainless Steel in the USA? Probably using more US based materials than any other vehicle, I would say this is a win for US Auto Manufacturing as a whole. As such, I would wrap my Cybertruck with some slick graphics with branding for Managed Solutions / US Manufacturing.
Probability of doing this? I rate it 50%. I mean who wants to drive around in a billboard. It would still be cool.
Upfit as work Truck
The potential here is enormous, a rack of some sort, roll in-out tool box (need to leave room for under bed storage access!), and power distribution. The truck is after all, essentially a couple of rolling power-walls, right?
Yes, I would likely roll up in EV powered style to jobs almost anywhere in the western US in this truck. Who wants to fly when you can drive in style and stop periodically at Super Chargers to visit with other Tesla owners.
Probability of doing this? I rate it 90%. There are few reasons to not do it, but I can’t even think of them right now.
Cover it with Solar Panels
Elon Musk claimed there will be solar options for this vehicle, in fact he stated that the panel on the bed cover could be converted to solar and give ~30 miles of range per day. Any remaining flat surfaces would as discretely as possible be covered with thin, flexible solar panels. I would also like to devise a light weight fold out panel system to allow all the power needed and some extra range while adventure camping or if travels take me far off the beaten path.
Probability of doing this? I rate it 75%. Utility is a big thing to me, and having the ability to add range without a charging stop is attractive. Additionally being able to completely eliminate vampiric draw particularly in cooler weather, would be super useful.
Go Adventure Camping
I actually think with solar involved this may be one of the best adventure vehicles of all time. Being rugged, tough, powered and basically self sustaining. Where couldn’t you go? My first choice of destinations would be Canyonlands in Utah. The end of the road anywhere would be fine with me.
Probability of doing this? I rate it 99%. At this stage in my life I am developing a wanderlust. One way to fulfill it would be exploring places few people will ever see. That checks many boxes.
Finish the Rubicon Trail
Now this is a bit of a wild card, I will admit. I live very close to the Rubicon trail and I have friends that are expert off Roaders with extensive Rubicon mileage under their belt. If the trail ready Jeep can do it, why not the Cybertruck?
Probability of doing this? 100% if Elon will loan us a Truck, otherwise 25%. Let’s face it, the Rubicon trail is brutal and I wouldn’t want to break my shiny new stainless steel beast.
What would you do with a Cybertruck?
I would love to hear what others are planning. One thing is certain, this vehicle is going to change the automotive industry as much if not more than the Tesla model S, X, and 3 already have.
Check out my 3D printed Cybertruck! It will have to do for now, while I wait.