While working on a computer today and my son asked me what I was doing. I told him “I am fixing this computer”. As I stepped away he pulled up a chair and said “I can fix anything, let me do it”. I was able to sneak this picture:

I can Fix Anything, let me do it.
He proceeded to work on the machine talking about how he can fix anything, quite proud of himself. Then suddenly he seemed to realize limitations to his skills and stated:
“I can fix anything, except broken crayons. I can’t fix broken crayons.” – my favorite four year old
I am glad that my son is confident in his abilities and wise enough to know he does have limitations. Being his dad is absolutely the best thing I have had the opportunity to do. Like many other parenting experiences, I also felt inspired to do more than write a blog article about this. I felt inspired to continue to do something that I pledged to do long ago. Someone at some point in my past stressed to me the importance that we empower children with the confidence to believe that they can achieve anything they set their minds and hearts to accomplish. I wish I could remember who it was, but that call to action stuck with me.
Please join me in an effort to encourage young people to believe in themselves. Start today!